The journey of Prada begins with a Milanese leather goods and ceramic articles shop run by two brothers in 1913. The shop was very famous within the aristocratic class of the time, which made its success during the WWI. When enlarging to apparel and shoes, Prada has consolidated the elements that made its identity: the arts, the experimentation of new viewpoints on volumes, fabrics and colors, the refusal of the fashion rules of the time and the openness to the world. The elegance of Prada is harmonized with constant innovation and powerful creativity.
The journey of Prada begins with a Milanese leather goods and ceramic articles shop run by two brothers in 1913. The shop was very famous within the aristocratic class of the time, which made its success during the WWI. When enlarging to apparel and shoes, Prada has consolidated the elements that made its identity: the arts, the experimentation of new viewpoints on volumes, fabrics and colors, the refusal of the fashion rules of the time and the openness to the world. The elegance of Prada is harmonized with constant innovation and powerful creativity.
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